People involved in the CINUK Programme include representatives from Inuit Land Claims Organizations, Inuit Nunangat communities, researchers from Canada and the UK, as well as teams that help support the CINUK Programme including the Programme Management Team and the CINUK Steering Group who oversee the strategic direction of the Programme.
Eric Solomon
Collaborator, Ikaarvik
Eriel Lugt
Team member - Youth Advisory Council
Faiz Ahmad Khan
Principal Investigator, McGill University
Floris Marnix B. Goerlandt
Co-Investigator, Dalhousie University
Gabriela Wagner
Collaborator, Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research
Gareth Rees
Co-Investigator, Scott Polar Research Institute
George Wright
Co-Investigator, University of Strathclyde
Georgia Melodie Hole
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Anglia Ruskin University
Géraldine G. Gouin
Principal Investigator, Nunavik Research Centre, Makivik Corp
Gillian Davidge
Co-Investigator, SmartICE Sea-ice Monitoring & Information Inc., SmartICE Sea-ice Monitoring & Information Inc., St. John's